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Welcome to the NASA Moon to Mars Architecture Art Challenge

NASA wants you to visualize the future of space exploration! This art challenge is looking for creative, artistic images to represent NASA's Moon to Mars Architecture, the agency's roadmap for crewed exploration of deep space. If you can create engaging artwork that depicts the exploration segments described below, you could win a portion of a $10,000 prize.

Artists may develop and submit a still image for the lunar and Mars exploration segments described below. Submissions are open to creatives across the world and of all ages and abilities. NASA may use these images to promote its architecture development effort and will give credit to all selected artists.

Note: Artwork generated using artificial intelligence is not allowed. Work by artists under 18 years of age is not eligible for prize money and must be submitted by a parent or guardian over 18 years of age. If an artist under 18 is selected, they will receive an alternate form of recognition from the agency. Artworks that utilize trademarked material (e.g., industry logos or designs) will not be considered.


With NASA's Moon to Mars Objectives in hand, the agency is developing an architecture for crewed exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Using systems engineering processes, NASA has begun to perform the analyses and studies needed to make informed decisions about a sustained lunar evolution and initial human missions to Mars.

NASA's Moon to Mars Architecture currently includes four segments of increasing complexity: Human Lunar Return, Foundational Exploration, Sustained Lunar Evolution, and Humans to Mars. For this competition, NASA is interested in your artistic interpretation of the latter two segments: Sustained Lunar Evolution and Humans to Mars. These depictions could include operations in space, on the surface, or both.

For a concise explanation of NASA's Moon to Mars Architecture and its component segments, consider the 2023 Moon to Mars Executive Overview.

Sustained Lunar Evolution Segment

This segment is an open canvas for exploration of the Moon, embracing new ideas, systems, and partners to grow to a long-term presence on the lunar surface. Sustained lunar evolution means more astronauts on the Moon for longer periods of time, increased opportunities for science, and even the large-scale production of goods and services derived from lunar resources. It also means increased cooperation and collaboration with international partners and the aerospace industry to build a robust lunar economy.

What does long-term exploration of the Moon look like?

Humans to Mars Segment

This segment will see the first human missions to Mars, building on the lessons we learn from exploring the Moon. These early missions will focus on Martian exploration and establishing the foundation for a sustained Mars presence. NASA architects are examining a wide variety of options for transportation, habitation, power generation, in-situ resource utilization, scientific investigations, and more. How many missions would it take? How many astronauts? What sorts of technologies?

What do the first missions to Mars look like?


Artists are invited to submit an entry for either or both segments. Please indicate which segment you are submitting against in the last step of the form. If you wish to submit an entry for both segments, please complete the form twice. See Rules for more details.

Contest Timeline

Submission period begins: September 12, 2024 at 12PM ET

Submission period ends: October 31, 2024 at 5PM ET

Judging: November 2024

Winners notified by email by: December 17, 2024